Saturday, November 06, 2004

Never Never Land, Here I Come!

Yesterday was my last day at work.
That's also the reason why I haven't been around my blog & written down anything.
Too much things happening and I just hate to whine on my blog.
I got a new job, a job that's supposedly better for my career with hm,... better pay too.
And so, yesterday I felt lousy because I actually love my job there and I loooovvveee the people I worked with. I dont' know if any of you have a boss so great like mine, but she's awesome. I don't think there will be a nicer boss in my life. Except for her weird hysteria around bird. ;)
Anyhow, it was time for me to leave and my boss gave me a card full of best wishes from everyone. My coworker made me a funny poem. And my other boss thanked me. And told me what a wonderful woman I am.
It was one of the saddest day in my life.
But ces't la vie, and life goes on.
I walked out (after I hugged mostly everybody, especially my boss), almost running and I just can't help but feel like crying.
And I walked and walked and walked until I got home. By foot!
Forget the train!
I really walked.
I went pass Chicago river, Marina tower, House of Blues, Chicago Avenue... until I arrived at my apartment lobby.
And just a little note: I wore heels. Though they are not stilettos, you've got to give me credit for that.

I needed closure, I guess, to the nice atmosphere of downtown chicago and the thought that I might not be able to be around it for a long time just sadden me. Well, yes I'll still gonna live downtown, but I'll commute to never never land everyday.
Sigh... never never land, so so far away.
What a high price to pay for such career ambition.


Anonymous said...


change is good, change is bad,
dont be afraid and dont be sad!

live goes on, c'est la vie,
bottom line still is the money!

ask to God, he'll give u strength,
to endure life with a big bang!

que sera sera, come what may,
work hard and dont forget to pray!

-blue aloe vera-

Scal said...

Hey... congrats for your new job :D. I have no idea of what you mean by never never land, maybe like a kingdom of far-far away of Shrek 2? He...he...he...

Anyway, talking about high price for an ambition. High Price is a relative term. Like a $50 perfume, it might not expensive if it is a Gucci, but it will becom expensive if it is ordinary perfume found in dept. store. And if your new job is inline with your passion, or your long term plan.... it might not become expensive. So, go for it girl.

Oh BTW, I think changing job is good for you, because you WALK. How far were you walking? I don't think you do exercise regularly, but you might make it a good habit walking from office to home. And at the same time, you save a few bucks :P.

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

I walked a littttlle bit more than 2 miles.
About 5 kilometers maybe?

Scal said...

He...he...he..., don't be so proud, 2 miles is only slightly more than 3 km :D.

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Darn it!!!
You're right... :D
3.2 kilometers. He he he...