Thursday, May 19, 2005

Dedication for a Goat

I'm inspired!
I'm inspired to proclaim today as my vegetarian day.
Until I remember I ate the anchovy my mom sent me yesterday.
Then, correction: I'm inspired not to eat meat (except fish) starting now till the day ends.
I eat anything. It's bad. People always say how I should not worry about what I eat. I look fine without diet anyway.
But hey, skinny people get a heart attack too, you know.
*knock on wood*
Anyway, I stacked my fridge with veggies today (plus some mangoes).
I'm all set!
Wait... can I eat eggs?
I guess I can. Unless I have decided to make today as vegan day. Which I did not.
And so, let the veggie day begin.
The number one factor for me failing this veggie day is not the temptation to eat meat, because, believe me. I will succeed in restraining myself.
It's the absent-minded me who can just walk into the kitchen & pop something forbidden into my mouth, munch it and swallow it without even remember about my pledge of the day.
But I'll try.
I'll try it for a day. And depending on today, we'll see about tomorrow.

This veggie day is dedicated to a goat back home from 5 years ago, which was being sold on the sidewalk, waiting for its doom day.
I can never forget its face as I sat in the car, facing me so sadly.
I can't eat lamb ever since. I don't think I can ever will.
May your last moment be quick and painless.


Dawn said...

good luck on your healthy eating. It seems like all I eat these days are veggies.

Scal said...

My philosophy about eating: Eat whatever you like, whenever you want, as much as you can swallow. And to balance it.... do some sport :D.