Monday, July 28, 2008


I can't believe how long ago I have been abandoning my blog. It's dusty and spider-webby (if that's even a word).
Anyway, a conversation came up when I drove in the car with my boyfriend yesterday about how many times Bandit has managed to wiggle his head out of the lease, or actually wiggle his body out of the slightly opened door.

One wintery day, full of snow, I was was walking out from the front door when I saw a big bare foot prints on the snow. So, I yelled at my boyfriend:
"Hunny, look! Foot prints. Huge ones. Who on earth would walk barefoot on the snow in a temperature like this???"
Then I gasped and said, "Yeti! It has gotta be yeti. What else would it be???"

Then my boyfriend said, "Uhm,... they're mine."

(held back giggles).

"Yours? Why?"

"Uhm,... Bandit ran out of the door when Tony came by and so, since I thought you're going to kill me if something happened to him, I ran outside, barefoot to chase him."


"Oh,... okay,... "


(Giggle giggle...)

"I should take a picture of it, so I can put it in the blog".

But then, I forgot, and it melt. Too bad, it would have been a very interesting picture.


Scal said...

Are you sure that he is actually dimcorner, or a Yeti shape-shifter

*Should stop watching any werewolf movie

Anonymous said...