Sunday, October 26, 2008

Finally Lead

In the end...
I am still the team lead.
Even though I tried to dug it out as best as I could.
I did. I tried hard because I guess a big part of me wants me to still just kick back and relax.
Enjoy the ride. Especially when you have a boss that 'wonderful'.

But finally ChicagoDimCorner (by the way, can we just call him CDC from now on?) talked me into it.
He told me to take the responsibility so that I can learn more, and even build a stronger resume... blah blah blah.

So I slept on it for a few days, and though I hate it when he is right.
He is right.

So,... there.

I'm a team lead.

On that note, the other day I talked to my co-worker about being enforcing difficult decision or demand to the team. I told him, if a male forces his opinion on something, people say he has a strong character.
If a female forces her opinion on something, people say that she's a bitch.

Well, I'll try my best not to be a bitch, but chances are, soon enough, I'll be a Hitler sans mustache, because, well, now that my head will be the first head the client will be behead if something is wrong, I will have to make sure that my head is safe and intact.

Sigh,... I just want to have a little bit of fund to buy food for Bandit and buy some suede leather shoes. That's all actually...


Scal said...

Mark my words: Your mission is to get the job done. If your team is happy, that is an extra.

So go with the Hitler Mustache, sticks, anything you need to get the job done....

You're get through is sis :D

Anonymous said...

turut prihatin...

Anonymous said...

i am a bitch most of the times at work hee hee hee