Sunday, February 04, 2007

Just chatted with an old friend this weekend.
In the spirit of concealing the detail & preventing giving out too much information, I will just make this case a little something about me, instead of her.

I have a lot of philosophy, one of them is the rule of thumb of not giving advise. If it doesn't concern me, then, I will not have a say in it.
My boyfriend at times would say to me that I should give advice, especially the constructive ones.
But. I don't give advice, unless asked.
Does that make me an ignorant person?
Where do we draw the line?
For example, a dear friend is marrying a prick, chauvinistic pig that she adoooores like mad. Do you tell her what you think?
Or another example, if someone tells me that I should just go home and be with my parents because they won't live forever and it's better that they spend their old days with me close to them.
And yet another example, if someone tell a mother to quit her job because now she has kids.

My opinion? I won't say my 0.02$.

Because it doesn't concern me.
I just don't think I can just invade someone's privacy trying to be this righteous person with a neon halo above my head.
It is amazing how your mind overlook the big errors you made, yet being able to spot others.
Human nature, I guess.
I remember I gave another friend an advise, like 5-6 years ago about her other friend: You don't have to tell her that what she did was wrong. She's fully aware of it. She knows already that she shouldn't date him. What you can do is be there for her, because when she falls it is going to be painful.

Hence, because of my point of view, I neither like giving unasked advise nor I like being told about what I should do. There are only very few people in my life that can freely give advise. One of them is, of course, my mom.
And, uhm,.. sure, Hunny, you too.

So, if you need a piece of advise, ask.
If you need someone to talk to without being afraid of judgment, talk.
If you don't feel like talking, don't. I won't ask.
If it doesn't concern you, then just mind you own.

Sigh... if only that is being applied in real life.

Confusius - "Fellow-feeling . . . Do not do unto others what thou wouldst not they should do unto thee."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i second, third n fourth that!!