Tuesday, February 06, 2007

You would thought that dating someone for more than 4.5 years would be enough to know the person entirely in and out.


My boyfriend had a crappy day yesterday. It's just one of those days that really just ridiculously unpleasant. See his blog & him rant about it.
People handle anger in many different ways. My boyfriend's way of coping is apparently to totally shut out the rest of the world and withdrawn from everybody. That includes me, his better half.
I ain't no 'better half' yesterday.

I didn't understand this at first since I happen to be the kind of person that would look for a friend to share, dissect, discuss, or even bitch out instead of sulking in my little dim corner. So we are totally in the opposite sides of the pond. And I was pissed because he isolated me, but then I couldn't be, because, heck... his day was so bad, even as I felt pissed, I still felt bad for him.

But anyway, my smart self finally figure out that it was not about me. I guess the extreme analogy is like this: that day, I would have burnt the whole city down, while, he would have closed the business, hung a 'Gone Fishing' sign and been gone for a whole week, which in a smaller scale, he actually did.

So, I told him eventually that it's not really okay. I'd like some warning if he wants to 'go fishing'. I don't want to see the sign while he left already. And he big heartedly said sorry.

In retrospect though, I have dealt in the past with men with anger management issues, who would yell and belittle people when he's mad. Heck, I have had encountered childish men who would punch a microwave and throw stuff to the wall.

So this 'gone fishing' thing. I'll take it anytime, I'll work it out. I'll learn to fish.


BETO said...

that day you aint my better half. you wer my better 3/4.

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Hey,... wait a minute. Only 3/4?

m1rant1 said...

Awww.. look at u twoo... so cute..
Alin.. thanks for posting wonderful pics in ur blog... I really miss Chicago...

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Miranti, when are you going to visit Chicago again? More pictures can also be found here: