Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Prayer of a Commuter

Please wake me up tomorrow at least just in time to jump out of the bed, run out of the apartment and jump on the train. If that scenario doesn't happen, please give me patience if after waiting for very precious 15 minutes my train has not shown up yet. And when the train arrives, please give the people inside a little bit of mercy to scoot over an inch and give me space to just stuff my body in before the CTA bell dings and the doors slide.
Also important, please let it be that the people surrounding me in the train don't have funky smell. Because in about 6 stops later & about a hundred people in one cart, I could die in misery for I have weakness for any sorts of stinky smell.
Please lead me to the right position and pole to hang on to, so that I can do the necessary maneuver when the train abruptly stops, on every stop, and avoid to stomp someone’s foot or, worse, get stomped by someone.
If I have to slip and fall, please let it be on someone, not on the floor, for only You knows what the floor has gone through. But, if I may choose, please don't let me fall on elderly or handicapped passengers for I will feel guilty. Better let me fall to someone in a good mood with good smell so that he/she won't be upset and, better yet, give me an understanding smile upon my apology.
Please also give me good timing so that on my transfer to the next train or then to the bus, I don't have to run, or wait for the next bus because the previous one has left without me.
Please bestow upon me, good hearing sense, for I often fall asleep on the second train and also on the bus and I need to wake up just in time after the announcement that my stop is next.
If at all possible, please also make me invisible from all the guys who want to chit-chat all along the way while you know for sure, my mood is hell before 11 and I rather take a nap than talk. Don't let them see that I'm wearing a watch, because the standard opening line for them is to ask the time.
Forgive me Lord, for I'm sure that most of them are nice, but my nap means more than talking about the weather or bus schedules or whether I am married yet.
Lastly, thank you for giving me a job, because if not then all my long prayer above won't happen and I cannot embrace my daily morning pain with joy.


BETO said...

AMEN sista...AMEN

Scal said...

Hey.... I didn't know that you pray :D. Can you make one prayer for a driver in Jakarta? He...he...he...

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

I don't know the pain driving in Jakarta, Dude. :) People drove me around there. :P