Monday, February 12, 2007

I can practically find everything there. I searched 'Jakarta banjir' and got a lot of clips of the flood back home.
Sad... really sad.
But, what does it mean when you look at those sad clips where people are half soaked and then all you think about is 'I want to go home'?
Indonesians are funny, they are walking in the depth of flood and then see a camera rolling, then they make the effort to smile, wave and even try to stick their faces to the lens.
Gotta love the spirit.
I'm sick of always having to hear bad news from home though, I wish there's a way to inject some sanity and conscience to the government that they need more open areas, more parks, less malls, better sewage system, better garbage disposal system. This flood happens every freaking year.
You thought by now they would've been picking up the clues.
The slum areas are too much. Something needs to be done there. It is a massive effort, and maybe even impossible. But it just itches me so that not a single thing is being done.
It's like this: I saw the original DVD of An Inconvenient Truth in Walmart, many weeks ago. That dude, Al Gore includes a energy efficient light bulb in every DVD.
Now what are the odds that if I buy the DVD and use that one bulb, I will halt global warming? I think the chance is super slim to none.
But if I do my part, and a thousand other people do too, and maybe not a thousand, but a million or even 10 millions, then it'll finally make a different.
See my point?
Jakarta is a massive city. It's huuuge. But they should start somewhere. Start with an area with bad sewage system, and stop developing those freaking malls! I went home last year and every time I blinked in the car on my way to somewhere, I see yet another mall. It's unbelievable.

I'm an idealist. My boyfriend would've killed my idealistic idea (he's a compulsive realist).
But, do something. Start somewhere.
It's just like doing my laundry. It seems bottomless, but you have got to start somewhere. Right?


BETO said...

compulsive realist am not, compulsive adventist i am.

compulsive realist? thats an oxymoron.

Wilson said...


and after all that you still wonder about going home...
why is that? I'm now even less excited about going home than ever...
so how are you doing with your laundry so far?

Anonymous said...

I like your idea about doing your part...

Being born and raised in Indonesia, I have some feeling that can't be explained about this country. With all the mess, bad goverment, coruption, traffic jam, and many other things, this country has give the dynamics, that one wouldn't find elsewhere.

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Wilson, I don't know why I still miss home severely. Winter effect I guess. :)

Hey, Scal. Whaddup?

And Hunny, you are you still collecting oxymoron terms?