Sunday, May 10, 2009

I looked old, she said...

Wow... I had some kind of Lorelai Gilmore v.s Emily Gilmore moment a couple of days ago when I talked to my mom on the phone.
I don't know if I am being sensitive or what, but it was quite something:

Mom: I saw your vacation pictures the other day. Your hair is really long now. And you don't look good when you are wearing your hair down like that. You look better with your hair tied up.
Me: Yes, mom. I know you never like my hair long. You like my hair short. But I am growing my hair so I can donate it.
Mom: That's fine. But, tie the hair. Your face does not look nice with the hair down like that. You look old. Actually older than you actually are. You look like you are at least 35.
(Ouch... )
Me: Sooo... are you going somewhere fun today?


chocoholic said...


(long silence)

Yup. Definitely a Gilmore moment you got there...

Hey wait a min! Can I apply for Sookie's role? (I've got the figure!) But can we rewrite it so there's no Jackson and the kids?


Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Gosh, I so need a Sookie... :)
Sans Jackson & the kids... deal.

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

BTW,... Chi-Dimcorner said he's willing to be Lane, the Seventh Day Adventist. I told him Lane bolted out from religion, so, he can only be Lane's mom, Mrs. Kim.

chocoholic said...

Dimcorner as Mrs Kim.... That'll be so hilarious there should be a spin-off on its own:
A date with Mrs Kim
