Monday, October 10, 2005

A gown without a wedding date

A co-worker said today, "my daughter is getting married. She got the dress, got the ring, was proposed. But they haven't set a date yet."
My my, I thought to myself: Just like me then. Hehe...
They said they'll get married in 2006, but I'm leaning towards 2007.
Again, just like me.
And I just smile there, like a fool, saying nothing but offering a symphatetic face.
I don't talk about my personal stuff & they don't know that I'm actually also taking a halt in the wedding stuff.
Weeding stuff is driving me crazy. By the way, I was (and still am) bombarded by junk emails, offering to cater, do the photography, banquets offers, heck, I don't know what else because I just delete them all together. And when I'm feeling bitchy, I make the extra effort to put the addresses under my blocked email addresses list. I tell ya, it feels soooo good.
If I know which vendor sold out my email address, I will call them & give them a piece of my mind.
Anyway, my co-worker said, yes, my future son-in-law needs to straighten up his act, that's why they postpone.
Why? What happened?
Well, he just the kind of person who doesn't think things through.
Such as?
Well, for example, this summer, he signed up to do the triathlon, but he's never was an athlete.
He paid a hundred bucks for that, then he found a trainer to teach him how to swim.
He couldn't swim.
And he almost drowned on the triathlon day because he couldn't swim against the river stream. People had to drag him out of there.
I tried so hard not to laugh, but I just couldn't.
I know I should NOT laugh at it but how could you not?
Thank God he's okay, but man, that dude is stupid.
Then I thought to myself, well then, his daughter's case is not exactly like mine then.
Cause the reason why we put the wedding in a halt is because we're smart.
And we have our own reasons.
And I quietly smile and went back to my work.


Wilson said...

Yikes, Bluecactus..

Please please change your font... sometimes, simpler IS better....
As for the boyfriend.... really... with that kind of "intellegence", it's really going to take a while for him to straighten his act... he needs more like a straight jacket, actually....

However, getting back to the topic, there should really be no "smart" reason as to why you'd want to postpone your wedding...:-) so I'm intrigued....

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Belive me, there is. ;)

And, too bad, I think you will have to deal with the font for now, coz my boss has such high expectation in me & keep on assigning me new stuff.
Sigh... busy, busy...