Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Sweet Insurance

My sweet boyfriend took care of my new car insurance.
He called me yesterday, all of a sudden realizing that that car could have a slight higher rate simply because it's a 'fast' car.
I didn't think of it. Damn it.
But, it's okay, slowly I begin to feel totally infatuated to it - though it's not red, like I always dreamt it would be. Besides, though I'm broke, I take pride on the ownership. I paid it from my own check, down to the very last penny.

Then my boyfriend called me today and let me know how much the insurance will cost me. Not bad, to be honest. Well, it's kind high, but I have expected it would. Still, it's lower then his first insurance rate. I asked him, how can that be?
Well, honey, because the rate for women is lower than for men.
Apparently, there is justice in this world.

However, in my case, little did the insurance guy know, I drive crazier than most men. That's why I now always keep my speed low, coz, God knows what will happen once I lose focus while driving.
I've run through red lights, stop signs (like two thousand three hundred and seventy eight times), gotten off my lane without realizing, almost run the curb over, used the left lane (for the traffic going to the other direction), and let's not even start on parking. When I make a turn, everything in the car shifted to one side.
Like my boyfriend once said to my best friend "I can't tell you how it feels riding with her, you just have to try it yourself. Everybody, I guarantee you, will have their own unique experience."
Such an insult!
But so true.
But it's still an insult!
Anyway, I'm cutting him some slack, because he's my driving guru.
And you know what they say about like teacher like student.
Maybe this time, it's like student like teacher.
Just kidding hunny.


chocoholic said...

now that you mention it, should've post a warning online the same time I congratulated you, huh?

what colour is your ride now?
is it pimped? :P
pictures, please.. pictures....

p.s. think enough people go to craigslist? ;)

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

It's silver, and the pictures are coming up.
I don't know if you notice I have another blog. I'll post it there. ;)
Pimped? No spinning rims whatsoever if that's what you mean, hahaha, no thanks.
But, FYI the sound system is jammin. Yes it is.