Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Monologue in Supermarkets

Another friend is leaving me. Leaving the country.
I sank myself in my chair by the wide open window facing the dark blue sky.
Michael Franks.
Light breeze.
Half eaten doughnut.
I should feel at ease. Tonight is, after all, a gorgeous night.
Yet, I'm anxious. I start to fear the prospect of living here.
Friends left, one by one.
I never thought I would ever fear loneliness. I 99.99% of the time always enjoy some solitude.
But I guess, I'm more afraid of the long term effect on it: wandering in the supermarket talking to myself. Like some people do. My roommate and I have concluded that they had lost their mind because they were lonely, and got nobody to talk to, hence, the monologue.


chocoholic said...

Don't worry, roomie...
You have a dimcorner to go to, right?
Besides, what are MSN, Yahoo and Skypes for?
All you need to do is just holler...


Wilson said...


I'm almost offended here.... I talk to myself in supermarkets... isn't that the best way to remember what you're shopping for? hmmm...on the other hand....

does it really look THAT bad?

Scal said...

Yeah, loneliness sucks. You don't even need to be alone to feel lonely.

Anyway, about the prospect. You come to where you are now for a purpose. Ask yourself, does your purpose still holds true? Or does your priority of life has changed?Take your lonely time to think for your life, for that the lonely time might be very precious when you really need to be alone.

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Well chocoholic, but, no companionship for dimsum. I guess I just feel it's weird that I will only interact with one person in my daily life. :( Kinda unhealthy don't you think?

Wilson, do you hold products in your hands and start comparing and having discussion to yourself about the benefits between the two? And reading prices out loud and complain why it is so pricey?

Hey Scal,
Feeling better yet? Oh wow... Am I reading a serious message from you? But, unfortunately, I take my lonely times to do laundry and cleaning up. You see... no maid here in US. Can't afford one.