Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My friend cancelled going back to Indonesia. Yay!
At the last minute, finally someone saw his potential and hired him.
It's about time.
Although... he'll be going to New York and, still, leave me here in the flat Midwest land with no one to have dimsum party with.
But, it's okay, my cellphone covers national plan, we're only 12 hours apart (by car) and an hour different, time zone wise.
Plus, YANKEES Stadium! Here I come!
A friend in times of happiness is easy to find, a friend in sorrow hard hardly ever exists.
He's the second kind.

I wish him well, all I can say is: Dude, don't go to the ghetto by yourself, and find a nice apartment by the subway with extra space for me to crash.
Peace out... we'll be in touch. After helping me out moving my stuff from place to place,... finally, I need to really get myself some professional movers the next time I change address.

I hate goodbyes, but what can I say? I do the goodbye this time with a smile... how can you not? My best friend can now officially sing: I'm an Alien in New York.

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