Thursday, July 28, 2005

Eight Hours That Feels Like a Week

You know when you feel like the day is sooo long & you wonder when it's going to be over.
And it's not.
And it keeps going and going.
Well, that my day at work today.
I don't like office politics and I always try my best to wiggle my way out of it.
I don't want to get involved.
Just let me do my job and go home.
Do you know that scene in a cartoon where everybody is in this big fist fight, that all you see is one big thick cloud?
Imagine me trying to crawl my way out of there & when I'm almost completely out, a hand grabs me and yanks me back in.
That's my day today.
Thank God it's Friday tomorrow.
And I'm seriously considering taking out my pics from the blog, so maybe I can bitch more about this topic.
But, who would want to talk about work all the time, right?
Nah... I'll just find other things to talk about here. Something non-work related.
Like my apartment building which apparently is full of grandmas.
Uhm,... I'll talk about that in my next posting.
Right now I just need some sleep.

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