Friday, July 08, 2005

Too Much Green

I guess I have not shared the news that I'm back to work.
My long vacation is over.
It's now officially time to slave myself again.
And the sad thing is that I am also officially a suburbanite.
My new apartment is actually nicer than the one in downtown (if it's at all possible), but it has little bugs, which I made flat everytime they dare to cross path with me.
I need to buy some bug spray.
And I see green much more than I care for.
I have not bought myself a car. Having an apartment too close to work (& and to fiance) might make me a liiittlleee too comfortable. But I'll buy one. And when the time comes, we will all have a good time trying to name the car.
BTW, talking about forms of transportations, my bus stop has spiders.
Spider... hm,... legs > 4
If you know my blog long enough, then you know my rule of thumb: Anything that has legs more than 4 and less than 2, then it's either disgusting or just plain scary.
For spider,... it's both.
We locked eyes the other day. Me and the spider.
And with the wonder of telepathy I told him to stand back... or my shoe will be located on top of his whole head & body in a split second.
He backed away.
I smiled.
I'm glad we can form some basic understanding.
Oh boy... it's gonna be tough.
It's gonna be boring & tough.


Scal said...
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Scal said...

I see that you have found a new friend, Mr Spider :D.

Anyway, about your car, is it necessary to find a name for a car? Finding a name for my future child is hard enough, let alone finding a name for a car (Or is this a sign that I'm not ready for family live? :D).

PS: Say Hello to Mr Spider for me, please :D.

PPS: Forgot to comment about 1 thing: The green. You should be lucky to have so much green around you, which is a luxury in a big city like Jakarta.

Wilson said...

Hah... If you can still see green when you get home after work, you're definitely not working hard enough.

Forget green.. if you can't live without it, you don't deserve to live in the city... :-) All the watering plant stuff is really getting on my nerves... not to forget bugs and other creepy crawlies... I support Bluecactus... suburbs are for budding families, night crawlers don't see much green anyway...

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Hello Wilson!
Been hybernating?
Anyway, about the green, I just need a tad of green, not the whole forest.
I need tall buildings.
Hi Scal, I have not seen Spidey in a few days. He might have moved to a safer ground. Far far away from the bus stop.