Monday, October 25, 2004

Little Birdie Scared the Heck of My Boss

This morning as I arrived, my boss came rushing to me and told me that there was a bird flapping, flying around the room.
I looked around. Nothing.
I asked her: where?
She said: "Somewhere."
I asked, "What kind of bird?"
Boss said: pigeon.
I looked at her,.... "Awwww that's so cute!!!"
Boss looked at me: "I'm scared of bird."
Heh! Wrong comment. Hehehe...
"Well, when I find it, I'll try to catch it and remove it to the garden outside."

Then about 15 minutes later, my coworker came up to me. Telling me the other side of the story. She was smoking outside the building early this morning and all of a sudden a little bird fell on her hand. Right to the palm of her hand. This morning was quite nasty, it was cold. And my coworker didn't have the heart to leave little birdie outside. Little birdie was freaking cold. So... She brought little birdie inside. Put it in a small basket, with some tissues at the bottom. To warm it up.
Apparently, the bird got warm alright and decided to fly around. Visiting my boss' curly head. Poor birdie. Didn't know that it went to the wrong person. According to my coworker, my boss ran around & out of the room quicker than Lebron's rebound.
Anyway, About an hour or two later, birdie showed up again. My boss yelled "Bird!!!"
And we yelled " Awww... come here birdie..."
Boss went outside so quick. Asking us to do her a favor & catch birdie.
So there we were, with ladder going to the top door pane and catched it.
Such cutie! And birdie was scared. It tried to wiggle its way out. And it got loose from my coworker's hand. And flew out from the door.
Don't know where it went.
We worried that it won't get food & it'll starve to death. No food inside the building.
On lunch time, my coworker saw it at the lobby. On the top of the indoor palm tree. Right above the cafetaria.
There will be plenty of food there.
If not, maybe I'll bring some seeds to work.


Anonymous said...

in your face !! in your face !!

ha ha!! less than 1 hour i solved ur mystery !!

"oh when it all, it all falls down
I'm telling you ohh, it all falls down"
-kanye west-

Anonymous said...

so what happen with the little bird?

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

I haven't seen it since.
I guess enjoying the nice weather inside. At the lobby. We have an outdoorsy kind of lobby with clear glass ceiling.
Hopefully it won't poo on someone's head though.

Anonymous said...

hopefully the bird survive....