Sunday, January 02, 2005


I got a tacky but cute head piece with big pointy real feather from the French place where we had New Year's Eve dinner. The guys got the 50's kind of hats which my roommate thinks look like something that Britney spears would wear. He he he…
It was a nice restaurant, despite the fact that a waiter dropped the wine glass right next to me. Luckily, I wore knee high boots. I could feel the glasses jabbing on my boots. Hm,…
And 5 minutes later, another waiter did it again, right next to me. Isn’t that a conspiracy or what?

A friend said a short wish for those in Aceh.
This year I don’t think I have a resolution. I think I’m just going to go with the flow. For once in my life, maybe I should relax a bit and be less of a control freak.
Looking back 2004, I think -emotionally- that was one of the craziest ride I had in my whole life. Not much that I can share here: some of them are too long… and / or too personal.
Having said that, the happiest day in 2004 was when I saw my mom & dad at JFK, NY.
And the most emotional moment was when I walk up the stage on the commencement day, and had a glance at my crowd (respectively): my boyfriend, my dad and my mom.
The saddest was when I let them go at the airport.
And the most relieving is when I got the news from my dad that my mom’s long-struggled health is improving significantly.

On 2004, I can say now that:
I made peace that no one is as good as Hanky Tandayu – the hairdresser - & I settled with other mere mortal hairdressers.
I have gone to Broadway & saw a play. A good musical one.
I spat from the top of the Empire State Building (kidding…)
I saw Tony Bennett.
I’m on my way to get a driver’s license.
I have lost a very good & dearest friend, heartbroken by her, but moving on with the rest of my real friends.
Though not yet perfect, I know a bit of how to make & roll sushi.

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