Saturday, January 22, 2005

Angry Zit

I had a breakout on my face yesterday. You see, pimple is something that (luckily) almost never happens to me. And when I do have one, that's usually because of two things: one, I just tried a new kind of facial/skin gizmo, lured by ads propaganda or promises printed on the packaging. Two, only happens when I am under stress. And I know this time my zit happens because of the later one.
I always think that life works out in a very strange way. Something good that you have been wishing for, been working on it, just couldn't happen. And then you look away for a second, and you start to think that it's not working out, then, suddenly, with a blink of an eye, there it is!
That thing! That wish becomes a reality.
Anyhow, in my case that thing equals to a new **& better** job.
I think God has a good sense of humor, though maybe I shouldn't even humor about it. But things have been pretty weird. Suddenly all the mess fall into place. The missing puzzles found and fitted. It almost seems like I was just standing still while the universe moves around. And now, I have become a little bit less stressed out, but the zit remains. Well,.... better a zit than a problem. Zit problem is solvable while the other kinds of problems are revolting.
So now, the good news is, I will have a better job starting February. And the bad news is, I just squeezed my zit about half an hour ago and now it appears that I have angered it. It's back with a vengeange & swells up a few times bigger. I , who -humbly stating- am not too familiar with zit, is sitting, writing my blog, with my humongous zit, don't know what to do about it.
I wonder now if zit problem is also revolting...

1 comment:

Scal said...

Which one is worse eh? Having too much Zit... or having no job :D.