Monday, June 06, 2005

Too Old for MTV?

I don't know how many of you watch the inferno. Or if you even know the show at all. Though it’s not exactly a very, uhm, mind-stimulating, but once you know what’s going on, it’s hard not to see the next episode. There are 2 teams, the bad asses and the good guys. And I don't like the bad-asses. I don't like those girls in 'bad asses' team. They can really creep you out. They cat-fight all the time, stab people behind their back, ganging up against someone in the team. When they lose, they blame other team members. Yeah, so much for team spirit.
And the bad asses guys, there's this good looking guy, Abe. I have never seen someone who's more narcissistic. Narcism is such a turn-off. I like the gay guy from the bad-asses, though. Maybe he’s the only person I like.

All the beeping sound for a full half an hour is quite distracting. I sometimes wonder what the actual word that was being blocked out. And I did miss some of the essense of the fight and yelling. hehe... those kids are crazy.

I remember once a friend told me, if you watch MTV and find yourself shaking your head in disbelieve, then it’s a sign that you’re old. Well let's not talk about Viva La bam then. Because I can't stand watching that show for more than 3 minutes. Literally.

So,… I guess, I’ll brew my tea now, polish my cane, tighten-up my shawl, wear my thick glasses and get ready to cheer the good guys tonight.

1 comment:

Wilson said...

Yes dear, when you can't hold your liquor for the one evening, how can you expect to enjoy MTV ? Too old, aren't we all? you're supposed to be in the getting married, the doting housewife, suburbs white picket fences and cutting rosebush with Ella Fitgerald singing in the background kinda thing.. :-) BTW.. Sorry to be away for too long, Wilson is back, same as always..