Sunday, June 05, 2005

What's the best hangover cure?

Crappy crappy morning.
Baaad hangover.
It's two o'clock now?
Geez,... I need to find something to get rid of the headache.
I even searched the internet to find the best cure for hangover.
And apparently, banana, strawberies, honey, a pich of salt, milk and a bunch of other stuff blended together is the best cure.
Drinking bananas? Yuck.
I took a couple of aspirin though, which, come to think of it, didn't help much.
Anyway, I wonder about roommate's co-worker. She got twice as much booze as I did. May the force be with her today then.
And let's just apply the Vegas rule for last night; What happened in the club, stays in the club. And may I add: Hopefully, the cab last night is not one of those 'taxicab confessions' on HBO.


Scal said...
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Scal said...

The best state of getting drunk is the condition where, you are half high. You still remember everything, but you already feel the euphoria caused by the alcohol. You can shout, express your feeling, watch your friends getting drunk, and best of all, you still remember everyting when you wake up.

Anyway.... try some lemon. They said that it could help to neutralize alcohol.