Saturday, January 28, 2006

The World is Never Fair

It's been a very heavy week for me. My boss pulled me aside and talked about the re-alignment that the office is secretly doing. And the bad news was that two of my co-workers (whose level is below me) won't make it.
Now, my boss revealed that another project deal was in the making and most likely, he could save one of them. But he couldn't save both.

I put on my best poker face. Or should I say, I tried my best not to hyperventilate and pass out, because one of them is a friend of mine. I recommended him this job and he's not even there for two months just yet. And he's about to be let go within a month.
So, I breathed in and out like a fish out in the air and did my best to listen to my boss laying out the delicate situation that we're in at the moment.
I only caught a bit more than half of the whole situation. too bad I couldn't say "Encore, please?"

Then came his question: "Who should I save?"
I looked at my boss like an idiot. Is he asking me?
Quick! Quick!
Think of something!
I've got to act like I'm being objective but 'leaning' enough to my friend so my boss would think that he should choose him.
Damn it! Say something!
Then, the other co-worker's face came flashing in my mind and I remembered that she just bought herself a house and borrowed money from the bank.

But still, if I had to choose, I'd choose my friend. He's a dear dear friend, the kind of friend who's been saving my ass over the years. He (along with my roommate) were the first persons that I saw in the airport when I first got here. He's been lifting my stuff, boxes, furniture, and God-knows-what-else everytime I decided to move from apartment to apartment. He'd stay up late to help me do those sucky programming homeworks. And if I list of of the other favor he's done for me, then this blog can be a very long one.

Yeah,.. I owe him that much, and even more.

So I took a deep breath and started to voice my opinion on both of them and who I think should be saved.
I feel crappy, and I feel bad, but the world is never fair and if I can save only one, then my friend's hand is the one I'd grab.

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