Sunday, February 05, 2006

Babies Attack

Gracious God.
It seems like everyone just had a baby or expecting a baby.
Babies everywhere.
Babies babies babies.
Even Angelina Jolie is expecting one.
Babies seems unreal, especially if they are your friends'.
That's right.
Your friends who you used to spend time with during high school. Or college. When you know their previous affairs, stupid exes, silly crushes.
You know them when their hair was all frizzy. Eyebrows unplugged, we share the ladies room changing gym outfits.
Or for the guy friends, you know them from their skinny days, and you know all of their crazy exes, until the day they run ever so excitedly to you about this new chick they fall in love with and you'd think, okay heeeeere we goooo, another girlfriend. I hope this one is saner than the one before. And they finally made the right decisions and picked a very good quality of "fish in the sea."
And now, babies.
Well, parents, or future parents, I only have one advise.
You guys all know my real name, and my name is a pretty one (I always think so.... he he).
So, here is the advise: If you have a girl, think of my name and how pretty it is.
Think really hard.
Then make the right decision.

To you who just gave me the great news, you know who you are.
Congratulations from Auntie Blue Cactus.
I'm sooo happy for you.

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