Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Bored to Death

I don't know where else to go around here.
I was extremely excited when I found Trader Joe's in the neighborhood. That I looked at myself thinking how pathetic I was, excited over a grocery store.
When I turned left from my apartment I find a mall, when I turn left, same thing, another mall.
Haven't found a club around here yet. I don't think I will. We went out to some rather nicer restaurants and the crowds are old people driving Mercedes smelling like my Grandma's favorite perfume.
And that Chicago skyline silhouette from afar just make me even more mad.

Oh anyway, changing the subject, let me tell you a story about a guy I met at work, we passed each other by in the hallway or beverage bar, whatever, and said hi and do the standard "How are you today? - I'm fine thank you how about you - I'm doing okay -Good -Good - See you later - Okay see you around" routine. Now his project is done and he's out, and sent me an email on his last day, and has been emailing me since. Asking about trivial unimportant things like "You don't talk much and seem shy at work are you really shy or do you act in the moment?"
I might be this miss Dorky van Doofus but I think this guy thinks that he has a shot.
I want to scream back at him saying something like " I seemed shy because I DON'T KNOW YOUUUUU!"
"And also my mom told me not to talk to strangers, unless they give you candy and offer you a ride home" Nope, just kidding.
However, usually the mere mention of boyfriend will do the trick, if not, then the term boyfriend will be fiance. And if that doesn't work, then wedding bells will have to do, and if not then I'd just tell him that my dad is the sheriff. He wouldn't know that my dad, even if he is a sheriff, which, he is not, is half a world away.
Oh! Speaking of Sheriff, I saw the sheriff's car every so often in my neighborhood, I begin to think that he lives around here. Not that it has anything to do with anything. But... that song "I shot the sheriff" popped out every time I saw his car and it's kinda annoying because that tune would stick in my head for the whole day.


chocoholic said...

So envious...
I miss being around people who don't look at me like I'm nuts when I asked them how they are after my response to their How-are-yous. Wonder if "How are you" is still a question here....since they don't seem to expect any response to it, let alone to be asked the same question back.

Wilson said...


you know how hard he has to pick up the courage to say hi? it's not that easy... at least give him the benefit of the doubt and brush it off encouragingly... the fact that he only called AFTER his projects ended... yeah.... this is a shy guy we're talking about here...
btw... my internet connection's up to speed now.. so... yeah... more blogs from me, hopefully...

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

hey chocoholic, yeah, if you try to practice that back home, it'll be weird, we should just bump into people with cold face without saying "excuse me" or acknowleging people who they are or whether they have a good day.
That's the spirit!

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

hey Wilson, welcome to the 21st century, the age of internet. Juuuussstt kidding.
BTW, I can differentiate between just pure geeks (which most of them are actually nice) and plain creppy people.
See, after not replying back for a couple of days, he sent another email saying stuff like: I see you're not talking to me anymore, did I miss something. I know I have missed being cool anymore, please let me know what I did wrong, yada yada....

BETO said...

very funny posting!
you should become a comedian or somezinc!