Saturday, February 25, 2006

VP in underwear

What am I doing up this early on the weekend?
I'm stressed out, that why.
And when I am all stressed out, I can't sleep well, and don't really eat.
Yeah, a great way to lose my weight, while I, unlike most female, don't want to be skinny. (I'm weird, yeah, old news)

I have two presentations to the client next week, each is an hour, back to back.
I hate presentations because I hate talking in public, especially when the public is the senior VPs of my future employers. And the thing about talking in public, let alone remembering to picture the audience in underwear, standing up there and facing them with a confident expression (or pretend to have one) is hard by itself.

I asked my boyfriend to be my guinea pig and listen to my presentation and let me know what I'm lacking of. Despite his professed love to me, he said, "Honey, I most likely will fall asleep. Every time I hear a presentation, I fell a sleep."
Hmmmm,... that's true.
He can drop his adrenaline every time someone starts preaching, teaching, presenting, giving speeches or anything that involving long explanation.

And, man,... now all of a sudden I remember that I have other assignments besides this one and might ended up 11 days of 'holding the fort' (long & boring story, you don't wanna know).

I need to reward myself once all commotion is over.

Oh... but, I can't. I haven't done my tax yet.

I need another vacation. One where I won't get dragged around like those cans attached at the back of a car with the sign: Just Married.

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