Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Anti-socialite tried to find solitude

So, I went to my cousin's baby shower in Philly last weekend, right. I flew there for a few days. And as you might know, I don't like flying and I don't like airport. And if you have to make things worse, I don't like my flight being delayed.
On my way back here, my flight was delayed, thanks to the snow in Minnesota. I was sleepy from all the fun I had there. Then add the three things I dislike from above, then you got a very crabby me.
So I had chosen the aisle seat, been waiting to get on board so I can sleep, or think or do whatever in silence.
I think, one of the few good things about traveling is that you can have the time for yourself, read a book or magazine, listen to the music, or just empty out your mind from everything.
Alas, the guy sitting across the aisle from the is a chatty guy, who chatted away with anyone he can initiate conversation with.
He first asked if he can borrow my mp3 player to test out his headphone.
Then, I handed him the thing.
Then he started asking me questions, like how much it cost, where's this and that buttons, how big is the memory, how many songs you can get for that memory.
Then he started using his big giant headphone with my mp3 player.
Then he said: Here,... try this.
Uhm,... what the... what I would want to share headphones with a stranger, I don't know. But in the spirit of being civilized, I tried it out, for like 2 seconds. And gave it back to him just saying: "Ah..."
Then he said: This is much better right?
I said: you got batteries in it? Of course it's much better.
Then he started explaining that he's a audio engineer, and if i keep on using my headphones that I stick into my earlobes,... my ear drums will be damaged forever. Because... "What are you doing for a living?"
"I'm an IT consultant" (I was thinking, why do I even have this conversation?).
"So, oh good if you are, then I can speak technical. So the ear drums is sending out different frequencies to the hairs behind it. Those hairs catch the different frequencies that it relays,... blah blah blah". If I keep on using my earphones, soon enough I'll be buying hearing aids because the damage would be permanent.
Then he asked me where I'm from, originally.
Oh? Indonesia? I've been there, it's a massive city. Very hot. And the pollution, oh my God...
Are you happy you moved out out of there?

Why is this kind of thing happens to me?
Do I have a sign on my forehead that said: Talk to me even though I looked bothered and I look like I can use some sleep?


Is having a conversation with strangers like that is considered normal?
Can someone enlighten me?
Because, for me, the 'have a nice day' or 'good morning' kind of interaction is enough. It's nice, simple, polite and that's all that's necessary.

So I finally just answered his question by saying: well, home is home. Then I shrugged and stick my so damaging earphones back to my ear drums.
I'll take the chance... at least until we landed in Chicago.

I need some chatty stranger repellent, but I just can't find it on Ebay.


Wilson said...

the problem is you don't have the "don't mess with me" look...
maybe you should have had the dark eyeliner and black lipstick thing... for sure no one will mess around...

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Hahaha... good one.
Except... all the goth looking people start greeting me and think that I'm one of them.

chocoholic said...

Did u forget to use my CTA strategy?

Raise brows a bit, then give wide grinning smile while waving your hand slightly frantically:
(Don't forget to put on the cin-dar look on your face during the whole process)

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

Hahaha... the art of faking not being able to speak English is fun.
I'll save it for next time. :D