Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Age Issue

Went with my work buddies for some team luncheon yesterday. I have to say, I applaud where our team is going, the number of female is growing. First it's just the two of us, now it's four. A hundred percent increased in just two months. Not bad.
Viva la estrogen!
As we shamelessly gulped down some juicy avocado rolls (who said that women only ate a little? Huh, what a myth).
The girls played 'guess my age' & let the men talk about work, hurricane, IT world, politics and world peace for a couple of hours.
Anyway, apparently I look about 4-5 years younger than I really am.
Awwww.... how sweet.
Well, actually, this is not the first time I got that kind of comment. When I graduated from my bachelor degree, I spent my no-job-nothing-to-do days going to the beauty salon to do good for nothing stuff. And the manicurist asked me why wasn't I'm at school.
I told her, I just graduated.
"Oh, from high school?"
"No, I just finished my bachelor study"
"Realllyyy??? you look so young"
Anyway, my birthday is coming in a few months. And I'm having cold feet. I know I'm whiny, but, this is the only place I CAN be whiny, simply because I claim ownerhip of this blog, and I can't whine at work, since I'm the youngest one.
So, quoting Joe on Friends on the episode where Rachel hit 30 and Joe was reminded about how old he was: "Whhyyyyy Gooodddd, whhhyyyyy????"

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