Tuesday, September 20, 2005

I'm grumpy when sleepy

Been having lack of sleep there past couple of days.
Day one was because mom called in the early morning hour just to chat.
For a morning person like her, 7:30 is way late.
I wake up at 8:30 the earliest (long live my working schedule!!! I love my office hours. Viva my office hours!!). Then I dragged myself to work & forced upon myself a half cup of coffee. Put cream & sugar to make it taste better. Yuck yuck yuck, still tasted like black water.
And it didn't work either!
Never again.
Went home. Tired.
Tried to go to bed early.
But couldn't sleep.
What the heck...?
Quarter life crisis maybe.
Finally fell asleep. After buried myself under pillows.
I beat my alarm this morning. Not because I had enough sleep, but my freakin huge gigantic windows are facing east, and today's weather was "Clear and sunny".
Wore my grey skirt & blue blouse.
Looked at self in the mirror.
Oh great,... it's going to be a bad hair day. Half of my hair flipped to one side while the other flipped to the other.
Tried to tied hair but hair is not long enough.
Gave up.
Ready to go but then remember that my green handbag doesn't match my blue blouse.
Changed handbag.
Run to work.
Work work work work work work, lunch, work work work work.
Went home.
Passed by my mirror. Looked at hair.
Still bad. Feel like shaving my head bald.
Grabbed a magazine. It's last week's TIME magazine.
The headline was New Orleans.
Suddenly, my problems seemed so tiny & trivial and I felt so sad.
Gosh, what an emotional roller coaster. I think I have manic depression disorder.
Maybe just PMS.


Scal said...

The best title would be: I'm grumpy when PMS :D. Anyway, just would like to comment on your template. Somehow it doesn't look nice on my IE. The font is somehow not focussed. And the window for reading the post is too small.

Does it also because of the PMS? Kekekekekekeke........

PS: In case you're disconnected from tech world, try www.technorati.com. It is a blog search engine service :D.

PPS: I think it is better in Firefox somehow :D.

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

That 'not focus' stuff is me, changing the font to a bigger one because 'someone' complain that it's too small.
Grumpy when PMS?
I thought that was implied already. :P