Sunday, September 18, 2005

My Big Surreal Mexican Wedding

First of all: relax, relax,... I'm just kidding, it's not my wedding. Besides, we're Asian.
I've been debating with myself about how I want to blog my experience yesterday and I came up with at least 6 different kinds of angles and it can take me a whole week to really portrait it, and I have a life.
So, after eating 3 grapes, I have made up my mind and decided to just do the quickest one possible.
My boyfriend told me that he intended to wear a tejana and corbata to blend in with the crowd. I, on the contrary, think that it is not a good idea. I'm not sure if he's joking or not. If he was, then it's funny, but if he's not, then we have a problem.
When we arrived, the groom was missing, word is that he's out buying some more ice for the drinks. About half an hour later, we saw him with a doly hauling, yes, ice.
For me it was a very weird sight, but, hey, somebody's got to get the ice. And the groom was available.
I guess...
Also, this is the first time I ever see a bride cleaning up dirty plates & busy arranging the food.
The sight was just new for me, and I don't know what to say.
Jumping to the dancing part, I watched really closely as they dance. Super fast tempo they had with full blown la banda (band) and it seemed like the groom was dilligently trying to stomp on the bride's feet, but then she skillfully jump to the side (or the back or, whereever). Then all of a sudden, I thought, heeeyyy... wait a minute, that is how my boyfriend do his silly dance.
And at that very moment, (swear to God) my boyfriend leaned towards me & said "Now you know where I picked up those dance moves."

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