Sunday, August 14, 2005


I found a nice sensible person who can sensibly cut my hair.
*Happy, happy, joy, joy*
I'm very picky about who cut my hair and how it should be cut.
My boyfriend said I'm obsessed.
I said: Hey, I just know precisely what I want.
And yesterday. I cut it about 2 inches shorter. I told her what I wanted, and that's a lot (please-dont -use-razor-to-do-the-layering-of-my-hair,... inhale.... I-like-it-this-long-and-also-dont-touch-my-bangs, inhale... my-hair-is-wavy-so-please-dont-start-the-layer-to-short, heeeep,... orI'll-look-like-a-giant-mushroom, inhale... i-like-this-picture-but-I-notice-that-this-has-got-to-be-done-by-razor,... inhale,... doyouthinkyoucanstickwithsctissorinstead?)
But she passed the test.
Wheeww,... I hate my long hair (the term long for me is just a little bit below my shoulder).
*Happy, happy, joy, joy*
hm,... come to think of it,
I am kinda obssesed.


chocoholic said...

So you finally found your soul mate, oops... I mean your soul hairdresser? ^_^
Where did you find this wonderful person?

Mrs. Blue Cactus said...

At some hair salon in the mall. :P:P:P

Wilson said...

The rule of thumb in regards to the hairdresser, is :

1. it has to be a man, cause he’s less prone to mood swings & hormone imbalances…
2. He’s gotta be gay, the gayer, the better:-) they absolutely do the best hair. I should know, my hairdresser looks gayer than the eiffel tower….

So, that said, I’m worried about your hairdressing choices…. Female AND straight… that’s just against the law of nature…. You should check whether she’s really straight.. if not… then you should be OK.. :-)