Sunday, August 07, 2005

Therapeutic Chatting

This is late. And I'm tired. I should've gone to sleep but I just don't feel like getting ready to bed just yet.
Boyfriend has gone back to his kingdom with his chariot & called me about an hour ago to let me know that he's almost home. I bet he's dozed off by now.
I chatted with almost a half dozen of people today. All on almost different time slots. They all brought different news. One friend told me that downtown is still fun. Yup, I figure it still is.
Others told me that a famous singer back home apparently has six wives, which is completely gross (I’m thinking of putting all bold capital letters on the word gross, but I think people will get it how gross it is anyway). And a bunch of other insider stories about stupid guys (that's for another post).
I talked to my dad, who's about to buy me a yellow cell-phone casing & ship it to me. I told him: Dad! No! No yellow or Orange. In whatever stuff you’re going to buy me. Please...
Wheewww... so glad he called me before purchasing.
Another friend, my roommate, is going back to school and was bitching out about student life... ah... the stinking old days. Good luck, Roomie!
Though she's no longer is my roommate, I like to always refer her as one. I don't think there will be chance for me to have another roommate. So she'll be the only one, ever, beside my family that ever sees how freaky I look like after waking up in the morning. And she might the only one to appreciate how fast I transformed in the morning & ran out to work.
Another friend has women issue. I basically told him, he'll always have that issue. There's no way out. So, deal with it.
That's a lot of chatting for a day.
In a situation where half of your heart belongs to the other half of the world, it’s a thrill to basically touch base with the people you care.
It's nice to know that the world is evolving around you. But some things remain the same, like your best friends / family. You walk in parallel lines, but you know you walk together.

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