Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A Doofus Hunk - Oximoron? Who cares....

Watched Wimbledon last week. I didn't think that I'd like it but apparently I enjoyed it. Though Ebert & Roeper only gave it 1 thumb up, but to be noted that the thumb down from Roeper is a 'reluctant thumb down'. So, it was almost a two thumbs up.
I know that some chick-flicks really tick me off, but this one I like. I'm not going to review it, though, because I'm lazy. I'm just gonna say Kirsten Dunst made what looks like a very delicious smoothie when she's furious. (You have to see it to know what I mean). Hehe... (wicked laugh).
I also don't like pale guys, and Paul Bettany is pallleee (as casper) & blond. So blond that you almost can't see his eyebrows. Look,... look at the picture. Almost no eyebrows.
But the story-line made him fall into category 'cool guy', an almost-hunk even. Maybe I'm weird, I like down to earth guy and I don't like bad-ass guys. They're a waste of time. And I kinda like dufus guys too. And that's why I'm falling for the character, though the pale actor playing it would definitely fall out of my category of a hunk.
I even ignored the fact that many of the scenes involving the character being all sweaty, which in my obsessive-compulsive little twisted mind is actually categorized as: 'GROSSSSS!!!'. (Again, see the picture, look at his arm).
So, rent it! Or buy the pirated one, or.., borrow.. whatever. And tell me if I'm right. Dufus guys are the best bet.

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