Sunday, December 04, 2005

Map on Skimpy Post-It: Bad Idea

Riding in the car yesterday with my boyfriend, I just realized how patient he is as a person.

And I'm trying really hard right now to write this blog without making it corny.
I don't like corny stuff/remarks. I don't like cheesy stuff. Period. That's why in our relationship, I always say "I love you" straight up.
There is no "You are my sunshine, you make me feel like I'm in heaven. With you I learn what love is"
No offense to the poetic kind out there. But that's just not us.

Anyway, so, yesterday, we went to a Christmas party. And I had the direction ready from yahoo maps. However, long story short, the direction I gave him was like going from San Diego to LA through freaking Las Vegas.
To add on top it, it was snowing, his car almost slipped a few times, I turned white, and the stupid road was full of snow and 5 cars ahead of us was a U-Haul moving truck, crawling at, 18 miles per hour.

But my boyfriend wasn't mad at me for the crappy road I mislead him to.

Oh! And to add on top of the top of it, he was actually not feeling well.

I was so ready to take it from him, because, I thought that, if it were him who gave me the wrong direction. He wouldn't hear the end of it. Yeah! I'm mean like that.

But he was not mad.

Makes me think to gain more patience towards him, coz, I'm a lil bitch who, most of the time, doesn't tolerate.
Yes, that's me.

So, moral of the story.
Get driving direction from yahoo instead of just zooming your map out & draw it on a skimpy post-it.
Get a patient boyfriend, like mine.
He's da bomb.
Two thumbs way up!
I'm cooking the next time he comes by.

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