Sunday, December 05, 2004

Here... you drive...

I really pity my sweet boyfriend. I was never this kind of person who love to drive. I also don't feel the need to drive around. Because all my life, it's either I live in a big city with a very convenient public transportation structure, or in a jungle named Jakarta where I got to be driven around.
Well, anywho, I got my permit last week (because I thought , hey why not it's the 21st century) & starting to drive around. To make it clear, it's just a permit, so you can't drive around by yourself unless someone with a driver licence is next to you.
Well, who do you think that someone will be? Yup, that someone is my boyfriend. (hi, hunny! reading my blog?)
I hope he will still let me drive around next week with his car. I can't park at all. And I think I drove him crazy.
When I tried to park, I went back and forth maybe for 5 times. Yup. This is very embarrasing to put in my blog, but hey! Let's just amuse ourselves. At one point I said to my boyfriend, to just park the car for me. But, he wouldn't. I think he thought I should finish it.
However, I shouldn't embarrass myself even more with tiny little details, but I finally park the car (after all the frustration of whyyyyy the freaking car wouldn't go straight).
Then, I turned the engine off , got off the car and gave the key to my boyfriend. I remember thinking: "Here,... you drive. I'm going to that store & shop till I drop dead".

1 comment:

Scal said...

What!!!! Everyone watch out, a very wild animal is on the lose. If you see her in a car on the driver seat, please be at least 30m away. Don't try to contain her, she is very dangerous....
