Saturday, April 01, 2006

Let me be a loner

I notice that I have turned into a total antisocial. Especially since I don't have a roommate and I don't have any friends in the area, now that I'm in the suburb.
And I find it amazing how I don't feel the urge to find new friends. I'm most comfortable with the friends I have downtown (and half around the world), which by the way are very very few. And I don't even get in touch with them that much at all.

A friend, who is the most enthusiastic in introducing me with his friends is almost in a desperate - if not angry - state because I always refuse to come to their get together.
Why does he insist on me meeting them?
It is my right not the be pushed around being introduced to people while I don't feel the thrill or the enjoyment to meet them. Some people like meeting new friends and, hey, more power to them if they do, but that's not me.
Do I sound arrogant?
But think about it. Being arrogant is if I don't want to meet them because I feel superior and I think that my 'level' is above them. Which I do not.
I think they are just fine. I just have a very huge personal bubble.
I wish more people would just understand and let me be.
And please don't call me strange.

I try to analyze if I'm scared of meeting new people. The thing is I don't think so.
I went to social events when I want to. If a friend is having a baby shower, or a Christmas party, or if there's food involved, and I feel like going, then I'd go. I arranged the chinese new year's eve dinner with of my friends, though I (and my boyfriend) were the only two who were celebrating. So I really think I'm fine.
I'm just a person who really enjoys spending her free time not interacting too much with other human beings.
I'm a loner.
And I am happy of who I am.

1 comment:

Scal said...

Hahahahah.... Chinese new Year Eve.... that's funny :D :D :D.