Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Finally the heat has died down this evening and the sky granted us some rain.
I opened up my windows and welcomed the winds to blow in. I pressed my nose against the screen to catch a glimpse of Chicago skyline to no avail. The rain blocked my view.
It's till hot and humid, but it's better than yesterday. I think I'm allergic to my own sweat, and I spent the day yesterday scratching my head.
Anyhow, my day was okay. I forgot that my boss was on vacation and spent the first few hours of my morning wondering where he was.
Is that a sign of getting old or stress?
I hope none of the above. I hope it's just the effect of the long memorial day weekend.
Speaking of getting old, I found a strand of grey hair about 3 weeks ago. I plugged it out and took a good look at it before I threw it out. The base was black, then about an inch or two it went totally white, then it's black again.
It's one confused grey hair.
Again, is that a sign of getting old, or stress?
Now, speaking of stress, I shoot some hoops with my boyfriend yesterday at a nearby park. It was pretty de-stressful. Then I found some swings in the playground next to it.
Guess what I did.
You got it.
I rode the swing.
It was even more relaxing than spa.
There was this kind of de ja vu-ish kind of feeling when I rode it. Something that felt so familiar, the tingling feeling in your stomach, the rush of wind combing through your hair. The beat that's skipped from your heart when you swing down from the highest point. It was very juvenile. My heart was pounding with excitement.
Never underestimate the joy of swing.
Getting older, I notice that I'm more afraid of height then when I was a teenager. Especially then my boyfriend pushed me from behind and I swung harder than Tarzan.

Yesterday, I found my forgotten inner child, thank God I haven't lost it.

1 comment:

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

interesting blog.

~ James