Monday, May 01, 2006

Should I join the rally?

I'm not the kind of person who pays attention to the news or politics, but I can't help but feeling intrigue by the Immigrant Rights issue that divide the Nation lately.
I listened to a girl on the radio about a week or two ago, ranting about immigrants.
She said "I'm not racist, but I really don't like it when I go to a certain area all the store signs are in Spanish. I mean, if they want to be in America, well then, speak English."
You see, all my life, I have been an immigrant. Or maybe I should say, the descendant of immigrants. I lived in Indonesia as a Chinese. I was a second class citizen. Then I moved to the US, and I'm still an immigrant. If I move to China, I can't assimilate with the native people anymore. Even there, I bet I will still be considered as an immigrant, I can't speak mandarin. See my problem? Seems like there is no 'home' for me in this world.
So, when I heard that girl on the radio, trying to justify her point of view by prefix-ing her remark the the words: "I'm not a racist" All I can think of was: Big fat liar. If she doesn't care about the race, why should she care about the signs? Why does she so bothered by them? I don't. Signs are just a miniscule problem here.

I saw Carlos Mencia today on TV. I love his stupid jokes. This time he invited an red-Indian guy to the show. And that Red Indian guy said that his colony was here first. Everybody else after them are immigrants.
In his version, everybody in America is a wetback.
I like that point of view. In fact, I've been thinking the same way. All this fuss about immigrants from the people whose anchestors originally were immigrants, it's just funny.
I know, that America does have a problem with illegal immigrants, but there should be a way out rather can prosecuting the diligent, hard-working people, who work for minimum wage, trying to have a better life for himself, his wife and kids.

So, I, the ultimate immigrant, hope that the STUPID bill will never be passed.
There I said it. I choose my side. And those who don't agree, feel free to talk back.

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